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Introducing Bill Cawthon

Hi! I’m Bill Cawthon. LikeBill Cawthon you, I am a modeller and a collector. I enjoy model railroading and scale vehicle models in both 1:87 and 1:160, but I won't be writing about model railroading very often. I spent nine years as a writer and editor for various NMRA and club publications, but I really enjoyed writing about model cars and trucks whenever I could get away with it. I am also interested in the automobile and model industries as well as some related topics I hope you'll find interesting. Over time, with your ideas and suggestions, we'll branch out into other fields. Most important, I hope we'll have fun and learn some new things together on the way.

I come by my fascination with vehicles honestly. I was born in Detroit and literally grew up in the auto industry. When my friends were playing cowboys and indians, I was spending a lot of Saturdays on the production floors of Dodge and Plymouth assembly plants. Even though I now live in Texas and work in the high-tech field, I have never lost my fascination with with real cars and car models.

I hope you enjoy my columns and I always want to hear your comments, suggestions, questions and complaints. You can send your e-mails to . I promise to read all of them and answer as many as I can.

- Bill Cawthon

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published by Cadabra Corp. This page was lasted updated: October 12, 2005